Thursday, December 11, 2008

Greatest Crisis of Modernity: Fung

The solo artist that is Fung was a natural for the Greatest Crisis of Modernity 2008 Douchie Award.

There could be no other.

A 2007 Douchie winner as part of the legendary duo, the Oompa Prompas, Fung struck out on his solo career in 2008, winning a controversial HCwDB of the Week (generously credited with an “HC”) in September.

And like Paul Simon after leaving Simon & Garfunkel, Fung is now a Douchie winning solo scrotist.

Witness the run, here, here, here and (warning: eye melting pain) here.

Because gold plated iPhones do not lie.

Fung is a singularity, in that since his prom, he’s shown little interest in females. But this does not make Fung gay, either. Fung is Fung. Fung is an island onto Fung’s self. Fung is beyond category. Fung is uber-Fung.

As such, he is now rewarded with a 2008 Douchie. Now shave that Fung, Fung.

# posted by douchebag1

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